Fracture of the left zygomaticomaxillary complex (ZMK), hemosinus


Decreased transparency over the left maxillary sinus with fluid-level, on follow-up retraction of coagulae. Sligh defiguration of the left zygomatic arch.

Radiology image - Fracture of the left zygomaticomaxillary complex (ZMK), hemosinus: Spine and Axial, Bone, Sinuses: X-ray - Plain radiograph

Fracture of the left zygomaticomaxillary complex (ZMK), hemosinus

Fracture of the left zygomaticomaxillary complex (ZMK), hemosinus: X-ray - Plain radiographFracture of the left zygomaticomaxillary complex (ZMK), hemosinus: X-ray - Plain radiograph
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