Appendicitis, gangrenous appendicitis


Utrasound shows hypoechoic markedly thickened appendix with loss of its normal wall structure with perforation and some amount of fluid around. The inflammed appendix is surrounded by edematous hyperechoic fat.

Radiology image - Appendicitis, gangrenous appendicitis: Abdomen, Large bowel: US - Ultrasound

Appendicitis, gangrenous appendicitis

Appendicitis, gangrenous appendicitis: US - UltrasoundAppendicitis, gangrenous appendicitis: US - UltrasoundAppendicitis, gangrenous appendicitis: US - UltrasoundAppendicitis, gangrenous appendicitis: US - UltrasoundAppendicitis, gangrenous appendicitis: US - Ultrasound
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