Arthrosis of temporomandibular joint, osteoarthritis


This is a typical appearance of osteoarthritis (arthrosis) of the temporomandibular joint. It is more pronounced on the right side - the articular surface of the right mandibular head has irregular uneven surface with tiny cysts. What is typical is an osteophyte pointing medially and anteriorly.

Radiology image - Arthrosis of temporomandibular joint, osteoarthritis: Head and Neck, Bone: CT - Computed tomography

Arthrosis of temporomandibular joint, osteoarthritis

Arthrosis of temporomandibular joint, osteoarthritis: CT - Computed tomographyArthrosis of temporomandibular joint, osteoarthritis: CT - Computed tomographyArthrosis of temporomandibular joint, osteoarthritis: CT - Computed tomography
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