Calcification of metastases in liver from the ovarian cancer with regressive changes after treatment


CT shows multiple hypodense metastases in liver parenchyma that contain coarse calcifications. The metastases come from gelatinous ovarian carcinoma and the calcifications appeared after treatment, when the metastases decreased in size.

Tags:  Abdomen  Liver
Radiology image - Calcification of metastases in liver from the ovarian cancer with regressive changes after treatment: Abdomen, Liver: CT - Computed tomography

Calcification of metastases in liver from the ovarian cancer with regressive changes after treatment

Calcification of metastases in liver from the ovarian cancer with regressive changes after treatment: CT - Computed tomographyCalcification of metastases in liver from the ovarian cancer with regressive changes after treatment: CT - Computed tomographyCalcification of metastases in liver from the ovarian cancer with regressive changes after treatment: CT - Computed tomography
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