Carcinoma of stomach, scirrhotic carcinoma, infiltration of the wall


CT shows tumorous thickening of the wall of antrum and aboral part of the body of stomach. Similarly, fluoroscopy depicts stenosis of the antrum and irregular contours of the antrum and aboral body of the stomach.

Tags:  Abdomen  Stomach
Radiology image - Carcinoma of stomach, scirrhotic carcinoma, infiltration of the wall: Abdomen, Stomach: CT - Computed tomography

Carcinoma of stomach, scirrhotic carcinoma, infiltration of the wall

Carcinoma of stomach, scirrhotic carcinoma, infiltration of the wall: CT - Computed tomographyCarcinoma of stomach, scirrhotic carcinoma, infiltration of the wall: CT - Computed tomographyCarcinoma of stomach, scirrhotic carcinoma, infiltration of the wall: CT - Computed tomographyCarcinoma of stomach, scirrhotic carcinoma, infiltration of the wall: RF - FluoroscopyCarcinoma of stomach, scirrhotic carcinoma, infiltration of the wall: RF - FluoroscopyCarcinoma of stomach, scirrhotic carcinoma, infiltration of the wall: RF - FluoroscopyCarcinoma of stomach, scirrhotic carcinoma, infiltration of the wall: RF - FluoroscopyCarcinoma of stomach, scirrhotic carcinoma, infiltration of the wall: RF - Fluoroscopy
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