Chronic cavity and fistula after enucleation of pancreatic tumour


Irregular chronic cavity in the left subphrenic space fills with contrast injected into a drain which runs out in the left flank. Note filling of the pancreatic duct. The fistula has slightly lower signal in T2.

Radiology image - Chronic cavity and fistula after enucleation of pancreatic tumour: Abdomen, Pancreas, Retroperitoneum, pelvis: MRI - Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Chronic cavity and fistula after enucleation of pancreatic tumour

Chronic cavity and fistula after enucleation of pancreatic tumour: MRI - Magnetic Resonance ImagingChronic cavity and fistula after enucleation of pancreatic tumour: MRI - Magnetic Resonance ImagingChronic cavity and fistula after enucleation of pancreatic tumour: RF - FluoroscopyChronic cavity and fistula after enucleation of pancreatic tumour: RF - Fluoroscopy
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