Chronic lung congestion, Kerley B lines, pleural effusion, aortomitral valvular disease


Bilateral pleural effusion with blunting of both costodiaphraghmatic angles. Maked enlargement of the heart silhouette with staightening of the left heart border and splaying of carina. Kerley B lines on bothe sides laterally as a hallmark of chronic lung congestion.

Tags:  Thorax  Heart  Lung
Radiology image - Chronic lung congestion, Kerley B lines, pleural effusion, aortomitral valvular disease: Thorax, Heart, Lung: X-ray - Plain radiograph

Chronic lung congestion, Kerley B lines, pleural effusion, aortomitral valvular disease

Chronic lung congestion, Kerley B lines, pleural effusion, aortomitral valvular disease: X-ray - Plain radiographChronic lung congestion, Kerley B lines, pleural effusion, aortomitral valvular disease: X-ray - Plain radiograph
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