Chronic pancreatitis, calcified pancreatitis


CT shows multiple coarse calcifications spread throughout the pancreatic parenchyma. This is a typical appearance of chronic calcified (mostly alcoholic) pancreatitis. Other signs that are not present in this case include atrophy, dilation of the pancreatic duct and stones in the duct.

Tags:  Abdomen  Pancreas
Radiology image - Chronic pancreatitis, calcified pancreatitis: Abdomen, Pancreas: CT - Computed tomography

Chronic pancreatitis, calcified pancreatitis

Chronic pancreatitis, calcified pancreatitis: CT - Computed tomographyChronic pancreatitis, calcified pancreatitis: CT - Computed tomographyChronic pancreatitis, calcified pancreatitis: CT - Computed tomographyChronic pancreatitis, calcified pancreatitis: CT - Computed tomographyChronic pancreatitis, calcified pancreatitis: CT - Computed tomography
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