Cortical scar of the kidney, agenesis of cortex of kidney, gallstone


CT shows that the left kidney has a large part of its cortex missing with intervening areas of reduced cortex - this might be due a large scar. However, due to its configuration, a partial renal dysplasia is more likely.

Radiology image - Cortical scar of the kidney, agenesis of cortex of kidney, gallstone: Abdomen, Kidney and adrenals: CT - Computed tomography

Cortical scar of the kidney, agenesis of cortex of kidney, gallstone

Cortical scar of the kidney, agenesis of cortex of kidney, gallstone: CT - Computed tomographyCortical scar of the kidney, agenesis of cortex of kidney, gallstone: CT - Computed tomographyCortical scar of the kidney, agenesis of cortex of kidney, gallstone: CT - Computed tomographyCortical scar of the kidney, agenesis of cortex of kidney, gallstone: CT - Computed tomography
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