Cyst of pancreas, pancreatic cyst


CT shows a small well-defined hypodense lesion (density ~ 0 HU) in the pancratic head consistent with a pancreatic cyst. MRI confirms that this is a cyst, which has homogeneously high signal intensity on T2 weighted images.

Tags:  Abdomen  Pancreas
Radiology image - Cyst of pancreas, pancreatic cyst: Abdomen, Pancreas: CT - Computed tomography

Cyst of pancreas, pancreatic cyst

Cyst of pancreas, pancreatic cyst: CT - Computed tomographyCyst of pancreas, pancreatic cyst: MRI - Magnetic Resonance ImagingCyst of pancreas, pancreatic cyst: MRI - Magnetic Resonance ImagingCyst of pancreas, pancreatic cyst: MRI - Magnetic Resonance ImagingCyst of pancreas, pancreatic cyst: MRI - Magnetic Resonance Imaging
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