Endocrine orbitopathy, exophthalmus


Protrusion of both bulbi, more conspicuous on the right side with markedly thickened oculomotoric muscles, especially the inferior rectus muscle.

Radiology image - Endocrine orbitopathy, exophthalmus: Head and Neck, Orbit: CT - Computed tomography

Endocrine orbitopathy, exophthalmus

Endocrine orbitopathy, exophthalmus: CT - Computed tomographyEndocrine orbitopathy, exophthalmus: CT - Computed tomographyEndocrine orbitopathy, exophthalmus: CT - Computed tomographyEndocrine orbitopathy, exophthalmus: CT - Computed tomographyEndocrine orbitopathy, exophthalmus: CT - Computed tomography
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