Fracture of capitulum humeri, VRT


Fracture of capitulum humeri was fixed by spongious screw. A free fragment from the anterior side of trochlea humeri, which was not initially visible on radiograph, was restricting mobility in the joint. Note growth plate delimiting the medial condyle of humerus.

Tags:  Extremity  Bone
Radiology image - Fracture of capitulum humeri, VRT: Extremity, Bone: CT - Computed tomography

Fracture of capitulum humeri, VRT

Fracture of capitulum humeri, VRT: CT - Computed tomographyFracture of capitulum humeri, VRT: CT - Computed tomographyFracture of capitulum humeri, VRT: CT - Computed tomographyFracture of capitulum humeri, VRT: CT - Computed tomographyFracture of capitulum humeri, VRT: CT - Computed tomography
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