Hiatal hernia, upside-down stomach


Gigantic hiatal hernia contains stomach, which is rotated upside-down, transverse colon, peritoneal fat. It occupies part of the left hemithorax and therefore causes breathing problems.

Radiology image - Hiatal hernia, upside-down stomach: Abdomen, Thorax, Large bowel, Oesophagus, Stomach: X-ray - Plain radiograph

Hiatal hernia, upside-down stomach

Hiatal hernia, upside-down stomach: X-ray - Plain radiographHiatal hernia, upside-down stomach: CT - Computed tomographyHiatal hernia, upside-down stomach: CT - Computed tomographyHiatal hernia, upside-down stomach: CT - Computed tomographyHiatal hernia, upside-down stomach: CT - Computed tomographyHiatal hernia, upside-down stomach: CT - Computed tomographyHiatal hernia, upside-down stomach: CT - Computed tomographyHiatal hernia, upside-down stomach: CT - Computed tomography
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