Hiatus hernia, gigantic, dyspnea


This patient was dyspnoic due to a gigantic hiatal hernia that caused decrease of the volume of both lungs. Apart from stomach and ample abdominal fat, the hernia contains small and large bowel loops.

Radiology image - Hiatus hernia, gigantic, dyspnea: Abdomen, Thorax, Large bowel, Lung, Small bowel, Soft tissue, Stomach: CT - Computed tomography

Hiatus hernia, gigantic, dyspnea

Hiatus hernia, gigantic, dyspnea: CT - Computed tomographyHiatus hernia, gigantic, dyspnea: CT - Computed tomographyHiatus hernia, gigantic, dyspnea: CT - Computed tomographyHiatus hernia, gigantic, dyspnea: CT - Computed tomographyHiatus hernia, gigantic, dyspnea: CT - Computed tomography
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