Idiopathic lung fibrosis


Reticular pattern in lung parenchyma with maximum in the lower lung fields. Thickening of interlobular and intralobular interstitium, traction bronchiecstasias, honeycombing.

Tags:  Thorax  Lung
Radiology image - Idiopathic lung fibrosis: Thorax, Lung: X-ray - Plain radiograph

Idiopathic lung fibrosis

Idiopathic lung fibrosis: X-ray - Plain radiographIdiopathic lung fibrosis: X-ray - Plain radiographIdiopathic lung fibrosis: CT - Computed tomographyIdiopathic lung fibrosis: CT - Computed tomographyIdiopathic lung fibrosis: CT - Computed tomographyIdiopathic lung fibrosis: CT - Computed tomography
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