Infarction in basal ganglia, hemorrhagic transformation, follow-up


Images from the first study show that basal ganglia on both sides are edematous, enlarged and have increased density. This is a result of severe stenosis of internal carotid artery on the left side causing ischemia and hemorrhagic transformation. The follow-up study show, that the edema receded and so did the hyperdensity. The final result is a post-ischemic lacuna on the left and dilatation of the frontal horn of the left ventricle due to atrophy of basal ganglia, especially caput of the caudate nucleus.

Tags:  Brain  Brain
Radiology image - Infarction in basal ganglia, hemorrhagic transformation: Brain, Brain: CT - Computed tomography

Infarction in basal ganglia, hemorrhagic transformation

Infarction in basal ganglia, hemorrhagic transformation: CT - Computed tomographyInfarction in basal ganglia, hemorrhagic transformation: CT - Computed tomographyInfarction in basal ganglia, hemorrhagic transformation: CT - Computed tomographyInfarction in basal ganglia, hemorrhagic transformation: CT - Computed tomographyInfarction in basal ganglia, hemorrhagic transformation: CT - Computed tomographyInfarction in basal ganglia, hemorrhagic transformation, follow-up: CT - Computed tomographyInfarction in basal ganglia, hemorrhagic transformation, follow-up: CT - Computed tomographyInfarction in basal ganglia, hemorrhagic transformation, follow-up: CT - Computed tomography
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