Mesenteric abscess, gastroenteroanastomosis, end-to-side, small-bowel stenosis


Large infiltrate in the left side of mesentery containing cavity with air-fluid level (abscess). A small bowel loop going through the infiltrate is stenosed. An end-to-side anastomosis of jejunum to antrum.

Radiology image - Mesenteric abscess, gastroenteroanastomosis, end-to-side, small-bowel stenosis: Abdomen, Peritoneal cavity, Small bowel, Stomach: CT - Computed tomography

Mesenteric abscess, gastroenteroanastomosis, end-to-side, small-bowel stenosis

Mesenteric abscess, gastroenteroanastomosis, end-to-side, small-bowel stenosis: CT - Computed tomographyMesenteric abscess, gastroenteroanastomosis, end-to-side, small-bowel stenosis: CT - Computed tomographyMesenteric abscess, gastroenteroanastomosis, end-to-side, small-bowel stenosis: CT - Computed tomographyMesenteric abscess, gastroenteroanastomosis, end-to-side, small-bowel stenosis: CT - Computed tomographyMesenteric abscess, gastroenteroanastomosis, end-to-side, small-bowel stenosis: CT - Computed tomographyMesenteric abscess, gastroenteroanastomosis, end-to-side, small-bowel stenosis: CT - Computed tomography
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