Myelolipoma of adrenal gland, liver cirrhosis, portal vein thrombosis


An oval mass of the right adrenal gland that consists predominantly of fat density is typical of adrenal myelolipoma. This patient also has liver cirrhosis - see undulating contours of the liver, large caudate lobe, and also portal vein thrombosis.

Radiology image - Myelolipoma of adrenal gland, liver cirrhosis, portal vein thrombosis: Abdomen, Kidney and adrenals, Liver, Vessels: CT - Computed tomography

Myelolipoma of adrenal gland, liver cirrhosis, portal vein thrombosis

Myelolipoma of adrenal gland, liver cirrhosis, portal vein thrombosis: CT - Computed tomographyMyelolipoma of adrenal gland, liver cirrhosis, portal vein thrombosis: CT - Computed tomographyMyelolipoma of adrenal gland, liver cirrhosis, portal vein thrombosis: CT - Computed tomographyMyelolipoma of adrenal gland, liver cirrhosis, portal vein thrombosis: CT - Computed tomography
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