Panlobular emphysema, vanishing lung syndrome, bullous emphysema


The radiograph shows increased transparency especially in the upper and middle lung lobes with rarefaction of lung markings, that are somewhat irregular. CT shows simplification of lung structure, destruction of acinar structures. There is an inflammatory condensation in the right lower lobe - hypostatic pneumonia.

Tags:  Thorax  Lung
Radiology image - Panlobular emphysema, vanishing lung syndrome, bullous emphysema: Thorax, Lung: X-ray - Plain radiograph

Panlobular emphysema, vanishing lung syndrome, bullous emphysema

Panlobular emphysema, vanishing lung syndrome, bullous emphysema: X-ray - Plain radiographPanlobular emphysema, vanishing lung syndrome, bullous emphysema: CT - Computed tomographyPanlobular emphysema, vanishing lung syndrome, bullous emphysema: CT - Computed tomographyPanlobular emphysema, vanishing lung syndrome, bullous emphysema: CT - Computed tomographyPanlobular emphysema, vanishing lung syndrome, bullous emphysema: CT - Computed tomography
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