Postpyelonephritic changes, nephrolithiasis, kidney stones


Both kidneys have slightly dilated pelvicocalyceal system without blunting of calyces. Right kidney has decreased opacification of urine in the excretory phase, multiple stones in the calyces and foci of cortical thinning.

Radiology image - Postpyelonephritic changes, nephrolithiasis, kidney stones: Abdomen, Kidney and adrenals, Urinary tract: CT - Computed tomography

Postpyelonephritic changes, nephrolithiasis, kidney stones

Postpyelonephritic changes, nephrolithiasis, kidney stones: CT - Computed tomographyPostpyelonephritic changes, nephrolithiasis, kidney stones, VRT: CT - Computed tomographyPostpyelonephritic changes, nephrolithiasis, kidney stones, VRT: CT - Computed tomographyPostpyelonephritic changes, nephrolithiasis, kidney stones, VRT: CT - Computed tomographyPostpyelonephritic changes, nephrolithiasis, kidney stones: CT - Computed tomographyPostpyelonephritic changes, nephrolithiasis, kidney stones: CT - Computed tomography
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