Postspecific changes in lung


Calcified nodule in both lung apexes with foci of pachypleuritis, multiple fibrous bands and apicalisation of the right lung hilum. Right sided pleural effusion and subpleural bullae. Hyperinflation of both lung wings.

Tags:  Thorax  Lung
Radiology image - Postspecific changes in lung: Thorax, Lung: X-ray - Plain radiograph

Postspecific changes in lung

Postspecific changes in lung: X-ray - Plain radiographPostspecific changes in lung: CT - Computed tomographyPostspecific changes in lung: CT - Computed tomographyPostspecific changes in lung: CT - Computed tomographyPostspecific changes in lung: CT - Computed tomographyPostspecific changes in lung: CT - Computed tomographyPostspecific changes in lung: CT - Computed tomographyPostspecific changes in lung: CT - Computed tomography
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