Rebleeding into chronic subdural hematoma


CT of the brain was requested in a patient who sustained head injury. It shows a hypodense rim in the left parieto-occipital region that has areas of increased density representing rebleeding into the subdural hematoma  Moreover there is a fresh epidural hematoma in the left frontal region. Large fresh subcutaneous hematoma.

Tags:  Brain  Brain
Radiology image - Rebleeding into chronic subdural hematoma: Brain, Brain: CT - Computed tomography

Rebleeding into chronic subdural hematoma

Rebleeding into chronic subdural hematoma: CT - Computed tomographyRebleeding into chronic subdural hematoma: CT - Computed tomographyRebleeding into chronic subdural hematoma: CT - Computed tomographyRebleeding into chronic subdural hematoma: CT - Computed tomographyRebleeding into chronic subdural hematoma: CT - Computed tomography
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