Sequestrum, osteomyelitis of upper jaw, maxilla


This patient developed a dentigennous osteomyelitis of the right part of the maxilla. CT shows involvement of the bony palate with a bony defect that contains a small sequestrum. The bone itself is thickened (compared to the left half of the maxilla) and the right maxillary sinus is filled with markedly thickened mucosa filling almost entire cavity.

Radiology image - Sequestrum, osteomyelitis of upper jaw, maxilla: Head and Neck, Bone, Oral cavity, Sinuses: CT - Computed tomography

Sequestrum, osteomyelitis of upper jaw, maxilla

Sequestrum, osteomyelitis of upper jaw, maxilla: CT - Computed tomographySequestrum, osteomyelitis of upper jaw, maxilla: CT - Computed tomographySequestrum, osteomyelitis of upper jaw, maxilla: CT - Computed tomography
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