Sigmoid carcinoma, polyp of the ascending colon


A short tumorous stenois of the sigmoid colon with abrupt change in caliber, irregular contours, CT and US show a circular tumorous mass. Small polyp of the ascending colon - defect in a contrast filling on baryum enema.

Radiology image - Sigmoid carcinoma, polyp of the ascending colon: Abdomen, Large bowel: CT - Computed tomography

Sigmoid carcinoma, polyp of the ascending colon

Sigmoid carcinoma, polyp of the ascending colon: CT - Computed tomographySigmoid carcinoma, polyp of the ascending colon: CT - Computed tomographySigmoid carcinoma, polyp of the ascending colon: CT - Computed tomographySigmoid carcinoma, polyp of the ascending colon: RF - FluoroscopySigmoid carcinoma, polyp of the ascending colon: RF - FluoroscopySigmoid carcinoma, polyp of the ascending colon: RF - FluoroscopySigmoid carcinoma, polyp of the ascending colon: RF - FluoroscopySigmoid carcinoma, polyp of the ascending colon: RF - FluoroscopySigmoid carcinoma, polyp of the ascending colon: US - Ultrasound
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