Thrombosis of superior mesenteric vein, infarsation of small bowel


CT shows that the superior mesenteric vein does not opacify in portal phase, because it is thrombosed, while the splenic and portal vein have overall good contrast filling with a snake-like hypodensity that represents a thrombus. Some small bowel loops have edematous wall with a target sign - contrast enhanced mucosa and subserosa. Note also stranding of the mesentery, engorgement of peripheral venous branches and presence of gas in bowel wall in the right lower quadrant.

Radiology image - Thrombosis of superior mesenteric vein, infarsation of small bowel: Abdomen, Peritoneal cavity, Small bowel, Vessels: CT - Computed tomography

Thrombosis of superior mesenteric vein, infarsation of small bowel

Thrombosis of superior mesenteric vein, infarsation of small bowel: CT - Computed tomographyThrombosis of superior mesenteric vein, infarsation of small bowel: CT - Computed tomographyThrombosis of superior mesenteric vein, infarsation of small bowel: CT - Computed tomographyThrombosis of superior mesenteric vein, infarsation of small bowel: CT - Computed tomographyThrombosis of superior mesenteric vein, infarsation of small bowel: CT - Computed tomographyThrombosis of superior mesenteric vein, infarsation of small bowel: CT - Computed tomographyThrombosis of superior mesenteric vein, infarsation of small bowel: CT - Computed tomographyThrombosis of superior mesenteric vein, infarsation of small bowel: CT - Computed tomographyThrombosis of superior mesenteric vein, infarsation of small bowel: CT - Computed tomographyThrombosis of superior mesenteric vein, infarsation of small bowel: CT - Computed tomographyThrombosis of superior mesenteric vein, infarsation of small bowel: CT - Computed tomographyThrombosis of superior mesenteric vein, infarsation of small bowel: CT - Computed tomographyThrombosis of superior mesenteric vein, infarsation of small bowel: CT - Computed tomographyThrombosis of superior mesenteric vein, infarsation of small bowel: CT - Computed tomographyThrombosis of superior mesenteric vein, infarsation of small bowel: CT - Computed tomographyThrombosis of superior mesenteric vein, infarsation of small bowel: CT - Computed tomography
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