Tumour of cecum, gigantic, osteolysis of lumbar vertebra


A gigantic mass originally arising from the cecum now occupies much of the right part of pelvis and ecroaches lumbar vertebra L4. The mass contains dystrophic calcifications.

Radiology image - Tumour of cecum, gigantic, osteolysis of lumbar vertebra: Abdomen, Spine and Axial, Bone, Large bowel: CT - Computed tomography

Tumour of cecum, gigantic, osteolysis of lumbar vertebra

Tumour of cecum, gigantic, osteolysis of lumbar vertebra: CT - Computed tomographyTumour of cecum, gigantic, osteolysis of lumbar vertebra: CT - Computed tomographyTumour of cecum, gigantic, osteolysis of lumbar vertebra: CT - Computed tomographyTumour of cecum, gigantic, osteolysis of lumbar vertebra: CT - Computed tomographyTumour of cecum, gigantic, osteolysis of lumbar vertebra: CT - Computed tomography
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